Hello all, I hope you all had a wonderful weekend. The marathon was here this weekend which put a damper on anything we would normally do. I try to avoid everything when it's going on. We hung out at home and I got some stitching done instead!
I also got a package from Threads cross stitch store in Lancaster PA. I had visited back in September when my husbands' good friend got married out there and loved it so I "liked" them on Facebook. Well, as it turns out the owner of the store is moving to Maine and couldn't keep the store anymore (I guess no one wanted to buy it, and it was a side hobby of hers) so they were having a closing sale. 40% off everything (except DMC floss). I called and sent and email with a big list of things I would like and they were nice enough to kook around and make suggestions for other things if they didn't have something. I ended up getting 18 skeins of floss (Weeks, Crescent Colors & Gentle Arts), 5 patterns (3 LHN, 1 Drawn Thread, 1 baby pattern) and a huge piece of Belfast fabric for the Drawn Thread pattern for $57. Yes, this totally kills the budget.... again. I NEVER THOUGHT I HAD A PROBLEM... until now. But in my defense I only
just started stitching again (I started at 10, but through college and beyond I didn't have time) and didn't have any stash as of June 2013. I'm making up for lost time! I didn't take a picture of the fabric, so here's a picture of my kitty with a bottle cap on her head!
I finished the monogram for my cousin!! I'm going to go get a frame & mat tonight!! I'm so glad I've finished, I started it back in January and it kept getting put off. At least it's done now! I realize I should have blurred more, but oh well. At least with the date hidden it will be slightly harder to figure out. ;)
And I decided I needed to
make something for my mom for Mothers' Day. I was looking through Cross Stitch Collections past issues and I saw this in issue 220 and thought it would be great and at only 40x40 it should stitch up quickly. My parents own a house that was built in 1880, so while this isn't from that era, it is vaguely art nouveau, which my mom likes. I started around 2pm and here's where it was before I made dinner and then again before bed (around 10:30):

Everything was from stash too, you can't tell in these terrible quality pictures, but the fabric is actually a really pale pink, it's called Baby Lotion I think. It was originally done in shades of purple, which is my favorite color, but I didn't want my mom to think I actually made it for myself and then just gave it to her because I had nothing better... Not that she would actually think that, but maybe! My mom's favorite color is red, so this kinda goes along with it. And their dining room and library are both shades of maroon so these could go well in either room if she wanted. I know she displays my December Faerie all year long so I am pretty sure she'll display this one too.
I had promised her a geisha
years ago, which I still have yet to finish, it's like 3/4 done too!! It's on Aida though and it's a kit, both of which I hate. Maybe for her birthday, in September, in 2015. ;)
I'm hoping to get it finished today before I head out to get a frame for the monogram and pick up one for this too. =)
Hope everyone else was just as productive as I was this weekend! I'll take pictures of both pieces framed too!
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